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Chicago Pneumatic 发布了新型工业角磨机系列产品,CP3550 系列,功率 1.5 HP (1100W)





They offer industrial toughness with durable conception and long maintenance intervals (up to 1000 hours).Chicago Pneumatic tools are designed to outperform competitors and to offer the highest productivity and cost savings to our customers: a competitive analysis was carried out and users can expect to remove up to 80% more material than with using competitive tools. This significant faster completion time can represent substantial savings.The CP3550 series is ideal for various applications in metal-working, fabrication, foundries, casting plants, shipbuilding and oil and gas. Equipped with a powerful governed motor 1.5 HP (1100 W), the new industrial grinders are easy to handle. The high torque delivered while maintaining abrasive speed allows operators to achieve high productivity and maintain execution consistency.

CP3550-120ACC 模具角磨机

CP3550 工业角磨机和磨砂机可以使用 4”、4.5” 和 5”(100、115 和 125mm)的打磨轮和切割轮及打磨盘。模具角磨机可与钨牙钻或安装式磨削刃配套使用。该全新产品系列尤其适合对铸铁、钢、不锈钢、铝和铝复合材料、镁和钛等各种材料执行外形修整、去毛刺、切割、抛光和焊缝清理等加工任务。

CP3550 是我们历经实践检验的工业类系列工具的新成员。在当今这个竞争日益激烈的世界里,我们的工业客户一直在寻找适合自己的工具:这些工具既要值得信赖,又无需客户为多余的功能额外花钱。CP3550 系列涵盖了要用到角磨机和磨砂机的日常金属加工操作中所需的各种基本工具,这些工具均能以实惠的价格为您提供 CP 级的品质。

Lucas Bryk , Chicago Pneumatic Tools 公司产品市场营销经理